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Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Island Timeline

I realized that I could use a timeline of events on the island(s). So I put one together with some aid from LOSTpedia. If you find errors or if there are things that need entering, please fill out a comment. Thank you.


Somewhere between 1954-1964

(Adam and Eve) end up dead in the caves

1980 Orientation films for Dharma are created per copyright at end of tapes.

April 1988

Rousseau's distress call starts according to Sayid's calculations.

1988-UNKNOWN DATE: Roussueaus baby daughter Alex is supposively abducted

2001 Unknown date: Per Desmond, he arrived on the island this year. *been on island three years*

Desmond is found by Kelvin Inman and tells Desmond about the Swan station and the button.  Also telling Desmond about his dead ex partner Razinsky.

Sept 20, 2004
According to ben, he learned of his tumor on this day

Sept 22, 2004

crash of plane

Ben tells ethan and Goodwin to bring list within three days.

Sept 23, 2004

Losties hear Rousseau's distress call and Sayid calculates it has been playing for 16 years and 5 months.

Sept 28, 2004

Jack and Kate find two old corpses (Adam and Eve) in the caves that have been there 40 to 50 years.

Oct 3, 2004

Sayid is captured by Rousseau. Rousseau mentioned the Black Rock to the captured Sayid in the episode Solitary. Also, a section of her map, stolen by Sayid after his escape, was labeled "Black Rock". Rousseau later claimed there is a Radio Tower near the Black Rock, from where she broadcasted her distress signal.

Nine tail section LOSTIES were abducted by the others

Oct 6, 2004

Claire starts having bad dreams about baby.

Oct 7, 2004

Hurley discovers Ethan was not a passenger on plane.

Claire and Charlie are taken by Ethan.

Oct 10,2004

Chrisopher Reeve passes away (mentioned by Ben in 3x02 The Glass Ballerina)

Oct 18,2004

The Tailies discovered and moved into the Arrow station 27 days after the crash.

The others plan to take Aaron from Claire by performing a C-section.

Claire escapes from The Staff with the help of Alex and Rousseau.

Locke and Boone find Claire wandering in the jungle in the middle of the night.

Claire is brought to the Caves where she meets everyone again but doesn't remember who they are.

October 23, 2004

Walt sets fire to the raft as he does not wish to leave the Island.

October 27, 2004

World Series Finale (United States) – Boston Red Sox win the World Series. (mentioned in 3x02 The Glass Ballerina).

October 30, 2004

Locke and Boone try to break the hatch window with a crude trebuchet.
Locke starts to lose the feelings in his legs.

October 31, 2004

Sawyer's headaches get stronger, and not even Sun's medicine is able to relieve them.

Nov 1, 2004

Claire gives birth to her son.

Boone dies on day 40
or day 42 (not sure)

Desmond, struck with depression, contemplates suicide until he hears Locke crying of frustration and banging on the Hatch, so he shines a light up the shaft in response.

Nov 2, 2004

Election Day (United States), George W. Bush is reelected as President of the United States (mentioned by Ben in 3x02 The Glass Ballerina)

November 3, 2004

Arzt warns Michael that it is nearly the Monsoon season and the raft has to be launched as soon as possible.

November 4, 2004

Rousseau walks into the beach camp and warns the survivors that the Others are coming.

Jack organizes an expedition to the Black Rock to get dynamite to blow open the hatch.

The raft is launched.

Rousseau kidnaps Claire's son, so Charlie and Sayid set out to bring him back.

Locke is nearly pulled underground by the Monster.

Locke blows open the hatch.

The raft is attacked and destroyed by the Others and Walt is kidnapped.

Locke, Kate and Jack separately enter the hatch to find Desmond in the Swan bunker.

November 5, 2004

Desmond fires a round from his gun as he falls, hitting and badly damaging the computer. When an upset Desmond claims that everyone will die unless the computer is fixed, Kate suggests that Sayid could repair the machine, and Locke sends Kate to retrieve him.

At Jack's insistence, Desmond explains that, three years prior, he had been in a solo race around the world, when his boat crashed on the reef surrounding the island. On the island, he met a man named "Kelvin", who enlisted his help in his sole duty on the island: inputting the Numbers into the compound's computer and pressing the execute button every 108 minutes. Desmond explains that "the end of the world" would come if the button was not pressed, but without time to explain in detail, Desmond directs Jack and Locke to watch a film reel he's placed behind a copy of The Turn of the Screw. This film welcomes its viewers to the underground compound, calling it Facility 3, the Swan, a mark that is almost on anything inside the Hatch, before going on to describe a project called "The DHARMA Initiative", apparently founded by experimental psychology research group The Hanso Foundation. The film ends by explaining that, due to an incident on the island, the viewers must enter the code into the computer every 108 minutes for the next 540 days.

Jack and Locke take opposite responses to this film: Jack believes that this is nothing more than a social experiment, while Locke believes the film should be taken at its word.

Soon after, Desmond attempts to power up the computer, but it shorts out, blowing a fuse in the compound. Desmond panics, packs his stuff, some food along with some of the medicine he's injecting himself (we also get a short glimpse of the book The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien that maybe Desmond was reading at that time and a book with a cross on the oustide that is presumably a Bible) and hurriedly leaves the facility. Jack follows behind him, abandoning Locke to attempt to fix the computer alone.

Locke briefly suffers an emotional breakdown, but Kate, Sayid and Hurley arrive to help, likely from the other entrance of the hatch since it would be almost impossible to lower Hurley down the shaft. Uninterested in the details of the situation, Sayid directs Kate and Hurley to restore power, while he fixes the computer.

Outside, Jack catches up to Desmond, holding him at gunpoint. Desmond tells Jack the code, but Jack's not interested. Instead, he asks where Desmond was running to, which reminds Desmond of his earlier conversation with Jack.

Sayid successfully repairs the computer

Libby and Cindy find Jin on the beach.

November 6, 2004

Michael, Sawyer and Jin are let out by the tail survivors and are taken to the Arrow bunker.

The Black Rock was discovered by the survivors of Flight 815 roughly 45 days after crashing, in the episode Exodus, Part 1. However, its existence was established much earlier in the series. The ship was first mentioned in Danielle Rousseau's distress signal, though the part that was not translated by Shannon

November 7, 2004

Michael races off into the jungle looking for the people who took his son. Jin and Eko go after him.

Eko and Jin hear something in the distance and hide. They see a group of people, presumably The Others pass by their hiding spot. One of them a young child carrying a teddy bear. Jin and Eko convince Michael to come back with them.

November 8, 2004

Shannon sees another vision of Walt, this time in her tent.

Cindy vanishes without a trace when the tail survivors struggle to get Sawyer up a steep hill on their way to meet at the main losties camp.

November 9, 2004

Eko shows Locke the Bible containing the missing film splice.

Sawyer feels good enough to walk with Kate's assistance. They both see the black horse outside.

Michael receives a message on the computer from someone claiming to be Walt.

November 10, 2004

Michael secretly talks on the computer with the person claiming to be Walt.

Eko and Charlie go to the drug smugglers plane, which has the body of Eko's brother in it.

November 12, 2004

Michael locks Jack and Locke in the gun vault and goes to look for Walt. Jack, Locke, Sawyer, and Kate (unknown to them) pursue him.

Michael encounters Pickett in the jungle and is captured by Tom.

That night Jack, Locke, and Sawyer encounter the Others and Tom forces them to turn back, using Kate as a hostage.

November 14, 2004

Tom, Alex Rousseau, Pickett, and Michael, and some more of the Others arrive at the Others' camp.

Ms. Klugh introduces herself to Michael and starts asking him questions about Walt.

November 17, 2004

Sun is attacked in her garden, and found unconscious in the jungle.

November 18, 2004

Rousseau takes Sayid to a man she has captured in a net; Rousseau wounds him with a crossbow. Sayid takes the man (who says his name is "Henry Gale") back to the Swan to interrogate him.

"Gale" claims to have crashed on the island while flying across the Pacific in a balloon along with his wife; she died 2 weeks ago.

Jack fights with Locke to stop the interrogation; Locke is late pressing the button, and strange hieroglyphics appear on the clock face.

November 19, 2004

Aaron develops a rash and fever that Claire decides is the "illness" spoken of by Rousseau.

Claire and Kate look for Rousseau, hoping Rousseau will show Claire where she had found her.

The three of them retrace Claire's steps to the Medical Station where she was held.
In a locker at the Medical Station, Kate finds a false beard and theatrical glue along with clothes worn by Tom.

November 21, 2004

The Swan station undergoes a bizarre and unexplained lockdown as the blast doors come down, shutting Locke and Henry Gale inside and cutting them off from the computer room. At the time the Countdown Timer runs down, the lights shut off and ultraviolet black light comes on revealing a heavily annotated map on one of the doors.

Ana, Charlie and Sayid find the balloon and grave Gale told them about. The grave holds the body of the real Henry Gale.

Jack and Kate find a parachute and large net containing a pallet of supplies on their way between the beach and Swan Station.

November 22, 2004

Hurley sees Dave, his imaginary friend.

Ms. Klugh tells Michael that Walts right outside and Michael demands to see him.
Michael gets three minutes to spend with Walt but the time is cut short when Walt begins telling Michael that they're not who they say they are.
Ms. Klugh tells Michael that if he completes a mission he can have Walt and they can go free. The mission is to free the prisoner in the Swan and bring Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer back to the Others' camp. Michael agrees but says he also wants the boat.

After telling Locke that he didn't enter the numbers, the fake Henry Gale stops talking, eating and drinking.

November 23, 2004

Bernard attempts to build a huge SOS sign but gives up after Rose tells him that the island healed her and she's afraid to leave.

Jack and Kate attempt a prisoner exchange with the Others. They find Michael.

Henry Gale attacks Ana-Lucia and nearly kills her before Locke intervenes. Ana-Lucia is shown caring for Henry Gale. She asks him a question and she calls him a killer; when he whispers something (possibly "We are scientists"), she leans in close, only to be attacked. He snarls, "You killed two of us." He also says that these two were "good people", that they were leaving her alone and that she, Ana Lucia, is the killer. Henry then grabs her and strangles her. Locke sneaks into the cell and knocks Henry unconscious with a crutch.

November 24, 2004

In the hatch, Locke asks a now tied-up Henry why he attacked Ana-Lucia, but not him, when he was trapped under the blast door. Henry claims that he failed in his mission; he claims that when Rousseau captured him, he was on his way "here" (to the hatch / the survivors' camp), coming for Locke -- "one of the good ones." But now that he's failed, either one of the survivors will kill him...or his own people will, because their leader, while a great and brilliant man, is not forgiving.

Michael shoots Ana Lucia (fatally) and Libby, wounds himself, and releases the prisoner.

Eko and Locke set out in search of the mysterious "?"
They find the Beechcraft and make camp for the night.

November 25, 2004

Locke and Eko find the Pearl station underneath the Beechcraft. They watch the video.

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer, and Michael make a plan to get Walt back.
Sayid confronts Jack about Michael leading them into a trap. "He has been compromised."

Jack, Sayid, and Sawyer swim to the sailboat, where they find Desmond onboard.

Kate quizzes Jack on what has happened: the other survivors want to know. Jack tells her to tell them that Desmond's back. Jack asks Desmond why he came back, and Desmond says he was trying to sail towards Fiji, and he should have been there in a week. However, the first piece of land encountered was not Fiji-it was the island. He states bitterly, "And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snowglobe. There's no outside world. There's no escape."

Locke tells Eko not to push the button. After a confrontation Eko throws Locke out of the Swan and tells him not to come back.

November 26, 2004

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer and Michael leave on foot for The Others' camp to get Walt back. *Michael was instructed to only bring Jack, Kate Hurley and Sawyer but they dont know what Michael is up to*

Sayid, Jin and Sun leave in the sailboat for The Others' camp.

November 27, 2004

Sayid, Jin and Sun discover the bigfoot Statue while sailing toward The Others' camp.

Sawyer shoots (and kills) one of The Others after Kate detects two of them following the party through the jungle. The second one escapes. Later, the group is captured by the others after they discovered the tube belt. On the Pala Ferry dock, they keep Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. They let Hurley go.

Michael and Walt leave the island from Pala Ferry on a heading of 325 degrees using the Others' boat

Locke and Desmond return to the Swan and decide not to push the button. Desmond triggers a lockdown, locking Eko out of the computer room. Eko finds dynamite with the help of Charlie. He unsuccessfully uses it to try to open the blast door, hurting himself and Charlie.

After viewing the log printout, Desmond realizes that he caused Oceanic Flight 815 to crash on the island, and thus wants to push the button again. However, Locke destroys the computer in The Swan.

The timer runs down, and therefore Desmond uses the fail safe key.

The Discharge occurs and is seen across the island.

At night, Charlie is the only one from the incidents in the Swan who returns to camp. He doesnt seem to upset. He and Claire share a kiss.

****The listening station detects an "electromagnetic anomaly" and Penelope Widmore is called. However, it is not proven yet that this event occured on the same day as the island events, shown in the same episode.****

November 28, 2004

Jack, Kate and Sawyer are held in separate confinement at the Hydra station.

Sawyer and Kate are released from their cells on work duty.

Kate is secretly approached by Alex while cracking rocks, who asks Kate if she has seen Karl.

Locke wakes up in the jungle, unable to speak, after the Swan implosion.

Locke has vision of Boone. Tells Charlie he must go find Eko.

Locke and Charlie head out to save Eko.

Hurley is spotted in the jungle by Locke and Charlie, after his return from the Pala Ferry docks.

Continuing on, Hurley finds Desmond running around in the jungle, naked. Desmond borrows a shirt from Hurley, and tells Hurley that Locke will go out and save Jack, Kate and Sawyer, saying that Locke said this in a speech. After Hurley clearly doesnt know what Desmond is talking about, Desmond realizes the speech hasnt happened yet.

**Locke recites said speech sometime AFTER Hurley is already back at camp.**

Locke and Charlie save Eko from polar bear cave and bring him back to camp.

November 29, 2004

In the operating room where they pretend to implant sawyer, one of the guys say "its been two days since the sky turned purple we're blind, and coms are down."

Sayid, Jin and Sun reach the Pala Ferry and dock the Elizabeth.

The Others slip past Jin and Sayid to board the Elizabeth with Sun on board.
The Others steal the Elizabeth, while Sun, after shooting Colleen, escapes.

Jack is interviewed by "Henry Gale" who reveals his real name — Benjamin Linus. Ben tells Jack that the survivors have spent 69 days on the island and that the current date is 29 November 2004.

He also plays a clip of the Red Sox winning the World Series, and offers to send Jack back home as long as he co-operates.

November 30, 2004

Ben and others inject Sawyer with something and later tells Sawyer he put a pasemaker in him to keep him calm.

Colleen is rushed into the Hydrastation after being shot by Sun. **Ben mentions a sub at this time to Juliet.**

Juliet ask Jack to try and save Colleen.

While scrubbing up, Jack sees spinal x-rays showing a large tumor on the L4 vertebra.

Desmond tries to convince Claire to move Aaron down the beach for the night, but she refuses.

Desmond borrows a five-iron from Paulo and uses it to construct a lightning rod.

A freak rainstorm hits the beach; a bolt of lightning hits the lightning rod just feet away from Claire's tent.

Ben takes Sawyer to the Hydra Island lookout where he reveals that Sawyer never had a pacemaker installed, but rather only a healthy dose of doubt.

Ben shows Sawyer that they are no longer on the main Island, but a smaller island about twice the size of Alcatraz Island (about a quarter-square-mile), a few miles from the main Island.

Eko wakes up after vision of his brother, and heads out for the drug plane.

December 1, 2004

Locke and other losties follow in search of Eko and and go back to Pearl station and see some man in a video feed with an eye patch.

Eko sees brother again and follows him into the jungle where the black smoke kills him. RIP Eko...you will be missed.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Cost Of Living

I am going to update this later:

But right now, I want to get this out in case it hasnt been discussed.

What is that on Jacks underarm?????? Has this been seen before?

At the funeral who is manding the music for those speakers?

On the subject of the black smoke the killed Eko, what was that heard in the station by Locke and company? Does the black smoke make noise?