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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Time Line Test

Items highlighted in green refer to real world history
1881: Black Rock (part of New World Sea Traders fleet) dissappears?
There are conflicting reports as to whether Black Rock (boat/ship) actually returned or not.

1882: New World Sea Traders sold by "Magnus Hanso" to East Ocean Trade Group

If Magnus was on the Black Rock in 1881 - how did he sell his fleet in 1882? There are conflicting reports as to the return of the Black Rock - maybe the ship returned long enough for Magnus to sell the fleet.

Magnus supposedly traveled several voyages each year after selling the fleet.

Was someone else Magnus knew on the Black Rock - or did he simply return occasionally?

(who was the East Ocean Trade Group?)

per Rachel B. - june 20, 2006

1899: A Yellow Lab puppy is born to a Black Lab mother

The puppy is saved by a servant named "Lloyd" - any connection to Michael and Walt Lloyd?

per Retrievers of Truth

1901: Joop born (harvested)?

Joop was harvested in the early 1900's ?

What does harvested mean ?

LostPedia Info

Save Joop Fansite
(shutdown on June 27th - per Unconfirmed legal action by THF)
see June 27 for more details.

1903: Lord Dilfer of Trent barely escapes death.

Other possible meanings or references of Trent:

per Retrievers of Truth

1920(s): Enrico Valenzetti born in Sardinia
The wikipedia entry for Enrico Valenzetti has been redirected to Gary Troup re: The Valenzetti Equation.

1938: Dr. Vincent "Wally" Bole is born.

but not into greatness?

per Retrievers of Truth

1940: Alvar Hanso is arms dealer during WWII

Arms dealer from WWII to NATO (1949), for 'decades' and then turns to 'humanitarian'

1943: (October 28)(10/28) The Philadelphia Experiment information
  • 1804: mathemetician Pierre François Verhulst born. He specialized in "population" and "logistics" theory. Could there be a connection to Magnus Hanso in some way?
  • 1943: Philadelphia Experiement
  • 1955: Bill Gates birthday - I bet he is mad, all the THF systems are using UNIX LOL
  • 2003: 3rd largest recorded solar flare - connection to crazy Northern Lights activity

1949: Alvar Hanso's last year as an arms dealer in WWII

1950('s): The Hanso Group purchases a British-owned shipping company known as the East Ocean Trade Group

The fleet was renamed to Allied Copenhagen Marine Merchants.

Magnus Sold the same fleet in 1882, only to have it repurchased by Alvar Hanso some 70 years later?

Was this company ever really "sold" or was East Ocean Trading merely a facade?

I find it odd that the seller and purchaser share the same last name.

per Rachel - June 20, 2006

1952: Global Welfare Consortium Founded
per Rachel Blake link to .pdf file referencing THF being partnered with GWC
see also: June 21, 2006

1959: Peter Thompson born
Born in Terre Haute, Indiana bio of Thompson
Terre Haute is listed a possible birthplace for DJ Dan as well.

1959: Govt Secret Testing of Yellow Labs is leaked

1962: UN commissioned equation to predict Armagedon after Cuban Missile Crisis.

1963: Enrico Valenzetti presents his Equation to the UN

1964-65: The Hanso Foundation becomes active

The Hanso Foundation becomes a working entity.

In business terms, a "foundation" is usually created by other companies pursuing a common goal(s) and creating a "fund" for the "foundation" to operate.

Other Info:
  • The Hanso Foundation website launches the ARG on March 2, 2006
  • THF website shutdown June 16 due to the hacker Persephone (48 days for ACT 1)

The Hanso Foundation

1967: Alvar Hanso speaks at the United Nations
From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

1970: Dharma Initiative becomes active
  • Department of
  • Heuristics
  • And
  • Research on
  • Material
  • Applications

We learned what the DHARMA acronym stands for, and that Thomas Mittelwerk is using the special abilities of Autistic Savants at the VIK Institute.

per hack by Persephone on the MHA page of THF website
Dharma information

1980: Swan and Pearl Orientations films copyrighted

1981: (Dec 7)(12/7) H.G. Relegation Inspection

1984: (Oct 28)(10/28) Suspected D.I.H.G. Meteorlogical Research Shutdown

1985: Caduceus Station Abandoned due to AH/MDG Incident

1980 to 1985: Mittelwerk joins THF (over 20 years)
1980-85 is only 5 years, Yet the statement says over 20years
per Thomas Mittelwerk Bio on the THF website

1986: Peck & Vanderfield arrested
Peck gets 4 yrs for taking bribes, Vanderfield gets 8 yrs for insider trading and perjury.

1986: (May 24)(5/24) Houston.
Jacob Vanderfield sentenced to 4 yrs. For taking bribes. Peter Thompson is his attorney? Lawrence Peck sentenced to 8 years for insider trading and 2 years for perjury and obstruction of justice. Peter Thompson is his attorney.

1987: Dharma Initiative funding stopped by Hanso Foundation
per Hugh McIntyre on the Jimmy Kimmel Show

1988: Rousseau arrives on island - the Others are there already.

1988: (March 10)(5/10) Letter from Dr. Hackett
The letter is reagrding project sumo. The letter is addressed to Lewis King Laboratories, AG. In the letter, Dr. Hackett makes reference to "fruitful" being a pun. LK Labs AG is the Agricultural division.

1989: Lawrence Peck released after serving 18 months.

1989: Peck & Vandefield convicted.
Peck out after 6 months; Peter Thompson is thier lawyer

1990: Vandefield out after 18 months; Peter Thopmson is their lawyer
per Hack from persephone

1990: Jacob Vanderfield released after serving 6 months

(SOME issues with jail times above...working on resolving)

1992: THF forcefully ejected from The Congo

1994: Peter Thompson defended Williamsburg Tobacco Co. against class action suit on behalf of cancer victims.

1996: Population growth model starts in African country (link with Peter Thompson and Mugato)

1998: Peter Thompson defended Globoco Oil as polluters of carcinogenic industrial waste.

2000: (April 8)(4/8) System Failure

2000: (June 16)(6/16) Alvar Hanso in London
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2000: (November 12)(11/12) Alvar Hanso in Copenhagen
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2001: Peter Thompson gets cancer and meets Alvar Hanso
per Peter Thompson Bio on THF website

2001: Peter Thompson worked on So. Georgia case for a nuclear power plant
per hack by Persephone on the THF website

2001: (January 1)(1/1) Alvar Hanso in Copenhagen
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2001: (February 23)(2/23) Alvar Hanso in Paris
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2001: (July 12)(7/12) Alvar Hanso in Geneva
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2001: (August 15)(8/15) System Failure

2001: (September 18)(9/18) Alvar Hanso in Roma
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2001: (October 28)(10/28) Northern Lights go crazy

2002: (April 8-12) Madrid - United Nations Conference Report of the Second World Assembly on Ageing
Was Alvar at this conference in Madrid before he dissappeared?

2002: (December 31)(12/31) Alvar Hanso last seen in Madrid
per hack by Persephone on Alvar Hanso Bio page on THF website

2003: (January 6)(1/6) System Failure

2003: (October 28)(10/28) Northern Lights Photo on ERI page
This is also the date under Alvar Hanso's grainy photo on his Bio page at THF website

2004: (May 20 - present?)(5/20) Three surveillance cameras set up in Alva Hanso’s carpark, desk and parlor in Copenhagen.

2004: (August 17)(8/17) Gary Troup invited to Sydney by Christine DeVries of Walkabout Publishing.

2004: (August 24)(8/24) Gary Troup accepts DeVries’ invitation.

2004: (September 13)(9/13) Printout taken from Alvar Hanso’s desk per surveillance camera

2004: (September 16)(9/16) Part 1-6 Gary Troup interview with Laird Granger

2004: (September 22)(9/22) Oceanic Flight 815 crashes

2004: (September 22)(9/22) System Failure
per Blastdoor map

2004: (November 28)(12/28) Cessation of Scottish feudalism(in Bad Twin)

2004: (Late November/Early December) 60-65 days since plane crashed on Sept 22, 2004
according to Locke talking to Desmond(end Season 2)

2005: (March ?) Reporter dies in car crash covering organ harvesting story for Cape Town Inquistor
per phone recording between persephone and newspaper owner

2005: (March 25)(3/25) Disc and file taken from Alvar Hanso’s desk (per surveillance camera)

2005: (September 19)(9/19) Letter from Jacques Maillot (Director GWC)
to Dr. Roderick Johnson with copy to Peter Thompson re: meningococcal disease in Tanzania.

2005: (September 21)(9/21) Dr. Vincent "Wally" Bole addresses THF
"The things that aren't said can be more important than those that are."
per Retrievers of Truth

2005: (September 22)(9/22)Dr. Vincent "Wally" Bole at a conference in Australia
"It's not just that they're trying to talk to us, they're also listening... intently."
per Retrievers of Truth

2005: (September 25)(9/25) Peter Thompson named acting director GWC

2005: (September 25)(9/25) Letter to Dr. Roderick Johnson from Global Welfare Consortium signed by Peter Thompson as Acting Director

2006: "Bad Twin" copyrighted by Touchstone Television

2006: (February 24)(2/24) Letter to Hanso Foundation from Daimler-Chrysler
for Jeep contract dated March 1, 2006 - May 31, 2006 the contract

2006: (March 4)(3/4) William T. Kilpatrick receives file "Missing Organs.zip" from Rachel B.
After several IM converstaions on the OpenersHep network (part of letyourcompassguideyou), Rachel B. send WTK a file.
Could this be what led to the Jeep contract being rescinded?

2006: (March 10)(3/10) Letter from Daimler-Chrysler to Peter Thompson
Fleet contract rescinded for Jeeps the letter
See March 4 for the reason.

2006: (March 17-19)(3/17-19) Hugh McIntyre
Stayed at Hotel La Dolce Vita in London with lover.

2006: (April 12)(4/12) Retrievers Of Truth Forum goes up.

2006: (April 19)(4/19) Mittelwerk visits Verizon office

2006: (April 26)(4/26) New posting on ROT forum

2006: (April 30)(4/30) New posting on ROT forum

2006: (May 2)(5/2) “Bad Twin” released and reviewed.

2006: (May 2)(5/2) The Hanso Foundation website up

2006: (May 3)(5/3) First Hanso commercial with phone number to call.
Learn of current Korean off-shore project in cooperation with Widmore Corp. and Paik Heavy Industries.
Mittelwork away from office for 3 weeks, McIntyre away for 2 weeks, and P. Thompson in office
the trascript

2006: (May 3)(5/3) New posting on ROT forum

2006: (May 4)(5/4) Bad Twin on Sale

2006: (May 5)(5/5) Persephone starts hacking THF
This is the official starting date of the LOST Experience ARG

2006: (May 6)(5/6) Hanso press release regarding “disruption” in website

2006: (May 9)(5/9) Letter to Robert Miller of Hyperion Books
from Hugh McIntyre demanding that Hyperion cease publishing “Bad Twin” the letter

2006: (May 10)(5/10) Hanso releases ad denouncing Bad Twin

2006: (May 16)(5/16) DJDan podcast

2006: (May 17)(5/17) Given www.letyoucompassguideyou.com site.
“The mouthpiece” password found by Buddha.
DI9FFtr751 found on Gematrian Wheel.
Questionable Peter Thompson signature.
mouthpiece picture and Peter Thompson contract

2006: (May 24)(5/24) Mittelwerk takes file from Verizon office

2006: (May 25)(5/25) Hugh McIntyre on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
McIntyre says LOST is fiction.
the youtube video

2006: (May 25)(5/25) Info #7 for Gary Troup
Hyperion has ad in USA Today claiming “all of Troup’s claims about THF are true.”

2006: (May 26)(5/26) DJ Dan podcast

2006: (May 26)(5/26) Cape Town Inquisitor publishes article regarding THF involved in organ harvesting.

2006: (May 29)(5/29) The Hanso Group? buys Cape Town Inquisitor
Cape Town Inquisitor makes retraction regarding a previously published article implicating THF's involvment in "Organ Harvesting".
the page

2006: (June 1)(6/1) DJ Dan pod cast

2006: (June 8)(6/8) DJ Dan pod cast.
Dan gets threatened. the podcast

2006: (June 14)(6/14) DJ Dan pod cast...nanotechnology discussed.

2006: (June 15)(6/16) Letters taken from Alvar Hanso’s desk per surveillance camera. Desk now empty.
per hack from Persephone

2006: (June 16)(6/16) DJ Dan podcast.
Apparently autistic savants at the Vik Institute are being used to work on the Valenzetti Equation. the podcast

2006: (June 16)(6/16) First Rachel Blake video
(rumored to be a leak at the time)the video
Later confirmed to be IN GAME

2006: (June 21)(6/21) The Hanso Foundation partners with the Global World Consortium
per Rachel Blake link to .pdf file

2006: (June 26)(6/26) DJ Dan and Rachel Blake at it again !
  • Dj Dan releases a new podcast on Monster (mostly about Rachel Blake)
  • Rachel Blake posts a new video on the Jeep Compass website (man in Black breaks into her room)
  • The Retrievers of Truth employees leave us a new forum posting (mentions clues leading to more clues)

2006: (June 27)(6/27) A fire at the VIK Institue & more
  • Rachel Blake updates her blog - GidgetGirl reveals the fire at VIK Institute
  • A fire broke out at 3:00am VIK time. Apparently several renowned mathematicians were present. The newspaper article was posted by Gidgetgirl on Rachel Blakes blog comments.
  • Retrievers of Truth updated to show AIM as possible new sponser
  • ROT reveals password for site will be changing, possible new email from Wally Bole to be expected?
  • Save Joop fan site apparently shut down due to legal action by THF (documents from sitonamonkey.com picture 108 are uncomnfirmed at the moment)

2006: (June 28)(6/28) New Rachel Blake video at Gary Troup Books
  • A blogger commented about mathematician Benoffski - Memo
  • Rachel Blakes newest video can be found at Gary Troups website www.garytroupbooks.com
  • Rachels Interview with Armand reveals that mathematicians are being paid to work on the Valenzetti Equation - also look at the heiroglyphics

**Updates currently underway!**