Notes on S3E3
Ok, I need to store my ideas somewhere so here I go.
First what is written on the Eko stick? I am planning on looking up the scriptures later.

Locke shows up to camp and Charlie tells Locke that he was gone for a whole day after massive hatch detonation.

What is Locke eating in the tent? Most likely not important, but curious.
Charlie didnt know the hatch was imploded.

Funny visual of Charlie after Locke throws knife and they hear "AHH"! LOL Just for fun :)

Now here is where it gets good but confusing:
The sudject of Hurley...Hurley shows up in the jungle and tells Locke and Charlie what happened on the dock. There is ZERO reference to what happened at the hatch. Unless the writers are getting sloppy, then its safe to assume that Hurley does not YET know how the implosion of the hatch. He was on other side of island. He would know that there was shaking and purple sky etc... but NOT of the actual IMPLOSION.
Next part is when Hurley stubbles onto naked Desmond.

While talking to naked Desmond, Hurley already knew about the hatch implosion, saying "So, like,the hatch blew off your underwear?" YET, there was no reference "shown" that Locke and Charlie ever told him. Hurley also tells Desmond that all that Locke said was "I'm gonna save eko and kill bears".
Now the other interesting thing about DESMOND! Someone mentioned that Desmond might be dead. NOT MY THEORY but a GREAT one to bring up.
So I looked back into that idea, and found some supporting stuff in the episode. First we do know that Locke sees Desmond at the very beginning of the show while laying on the ground. The next time Desmond is seen is when Hurley finds him in the jungle naked (as mentioned above). Desmond does seem VERY confused. He tells Hurley of the implosion at of the hatch and about the key. Desmond tells Hurley about the "speech" that Locke gave saying he was gonna save Jack, Sawyer, and Kate.

HOWEVER, that hasnt happened yet. Hurley is confused and mentions what Locke said about Eko and the bear.
Now, as Locke and Charlie come into the camp first you see Hurley come from the side. He had already been at the camp. Apparently he didnt tell anyone about the dock stuff. VERY VERY ODD.

We see a shot of Desmond on a rocky beach in the shirt Hurley gave him still. ODD. Locke delivers the "speech" and Hurley says he had a dejavu. They show Desmond again. Now, the beach differences are odd, the point that NOONE but Hurley seems to know that Desmond is even there, and the speech thing COULD indicate that Desmond is dead.

The bones in the cave:
To me the bones look like various animals. I would like to know more like if anyone knows that any human bones are there or not. Also did a screen shot of the toy truck to look over.
THE THREE MONKEYS THEORY: Someone also has mentioned the "Speak no evil, Hear no evil, See no Evil" idea. No I think this is great too. We find out that Eko is Blind. THAT WOULD ROCK and whoever thought that up is very smart.
Sorry if this is confusing but its hard to put into words some of what I am thinking LOL
Any thoughts on the blog subjects? I am dieing to know what others think here.
Hey Lena,
I think the stuff that Locke uses is called Kava. Look it up. It's made from the root of this plant which grows in tropical climates. It makes you trip. Usually it's diluted into a drink but I think Locke keeps it concentrated in paste form to make it more potent.
Also, I think Desmond might be dead and Hurley is having another "Dave" moment.
It's interesting to contemplate the idea that Desmond is dead, but I have a major problem with that. We've been led to believe that one of the primary storylines is the love story of Penny and Desmond. I'd hate to think that all of Penny's efforts to find him are in vain, but this is "Lost" and TPTB may not care to have a conventional, happily ever after ending.
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